Upcoming series: Regulatory changes


Upcoming EU and UK Regulatory Changes for Ingredients: Our New Article Series

We are very excited to announce another article series! Coming your way over the next 4 weeks, we will be alerting you of upcoming EU and UK regulatory ingredient changes that could impact your cosmetic products on the market and that you should be focussing on in 2025. Make sure you're following the Bloom Regulatory LinkedIn page, so you don't miss out!

🔍 Here's a sneak peek at what's to come:

Week 1: What is the Microplastic Restriction and will it affect my cosmetic range? 

Week 2: Staying compliant: essential cosmetic ingredient regulation updates in the EU

Week 3: Key cosmetic ingredients to monitor for regulatory changes in the EU

Week 4: Navigating UK Cosmetic Regulations: key updates and insights

📆 Mark your calendars as we release these insightful articles every Wednesday! Remember to follow our page to stay updated!

#Cosmetics #Ingredients #Compliance #Deadlines #Microplastic #VitaminA #Retinol #RetinylPalmitate #Nano #Pfas #TeaTreeOil #D5 #D6 


Will the Microplastic Restriction affect my cosmetics?


Navigating Cosmetic and Medicinal Borderlines (EU/UK)