Webinar: Principles of the Cosmetics Regulation (EU/UK)

On the 17th November and 15th December, our Associate Director at Bloom Regulatory, Amanda Isom, presented webinars on behalf of ICW. Aimed at audiences in Hong Kong and the US, the webinars highlighted the principles of the cosmetics regulation in the EU/UK.

The contents of the webinar included a whistle-stop tour of all the necessary elements to consider in order to achieve a compliant cosmetic product within the EU/UK. This included:

  • Defining what is a cosmetic product

  • Who is responsible for compliance

  • Labelling requirements

  • Ensuring safety

  • Impact of Brexit

In the EU and UK, cosmetic products must comply with Regulation (EC) No. 1223/2009. In the UK, this applies until 31 December 2020 thereby after GB will have their own legislation with regards to cosmetic products, however, this is likely to be similar to what is already in place in the EU.

Once outside of the EU, there will be a few key impacts with regards to cosmetic products imported to the UK. For example, it will be necessary to have a UK based responsible person who will hold a version of the PIF available in English. Alongside this there should be a UK based address on packaging as well as a country of origin label. Lastly, the product will have to be notified to the UK competent authority from 1st January 2021.

Olivia Santoni


In & Out Beauty


Covid 19 - Skin irritation from face mask